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Anti Slam Toy Box Lid Support sku#77058

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Toy Box Lid Support Anti-slam support has spring tension.
Prevents lid from slamming.
Mount inside the box to rear panel and lid.
Using 1 you will mount it near the center.
Using 2 space them closer to sides.
Rated up to 40 lbs**. Includes fasteners. Length 5". Opens 85 degrees.
Your lid must also be hinge mounted, see Lid Hinges 77059.
Distressed brown iron finish.
**Typically one support will handle a 25-40 ft lb rating. To estimate the ft lb required by your lid multiply the lid weight X 1/2 the front to back measurement in inches. For example my pine lid (approx 1-1/4 lbs/ sq ft) is 16 x 30 inches. It weighs about 4-1/4 lbs.
My one half front to back is 8 inches.
Required Rating is 34.
4.25 x 8 = 34 lb rate.
Weight X 1/2 front to back measurement in inches