Yard Shadow Plans

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Full Size Plans Easy To Use....Buy the plan, Buy plywood, Trace plan onto wood, Cut with sabre-saw, Paint black, Thats It ! Enjoy

Full size project plans guide you to build these projects. No lumber No materials supplied. You must supply your own wood. Remember trim packs DO NOT contain the plans.

Projects do vary in scope and individual ability is important when undertaking any project. Remember always safety is the first rule in the shop. If you are not comfortable with a process, don't do it.

We suggest you DO NOT cut apart your plan. You should trace contour shapes with tracing paper or carbon paper to transfer to your lumber. More experienced crafters will use the tracing copy to cut the design on posterboard using an Xacto knife and use the posterboard template to transfer the pattern onto the lumber. By not cutting apart your paper plan you can refer back to it for details.